Instructions for presenters at the conference

Presenters prepare and pre-record their 15-minute talks and send them to the conference organizers at the email: [email protected] by February 25 for uploading onto the conference website.

Tips for preparing your presentation

In preparing your presentation, keep in mind that the attendees of the Conference may be postgraduate students or early-career researchers and practitioners. They are from different disciplinary areas. So, the Organizational Committee encourages presenters

  • Use plain scholarly language understandable across disciplines to appeal to the broader audience of love researchers.
  • Define all key concepts and terms in your presentation.
  • Avoid using abbreviations that can be challenging to understand for participants not familiar with your area of research.
  • Do not use too many lengthy sentences; they are difficult for auditory perception.
  • Do not overuse sentences in passive voice; they are challenging to understand in auditory format.

Tip for pre-recording your presentation

To record your presentation, you can use video-recording software such as Microsoft PowerPoint (which has a built-in recording feature), Canva (with its video presentation capabilities), or Zoom (for recording a live presentation with multiple participants), or others of your choice depending on your needs and desired features.

Microsoft PowerPoint is the most readily available option for users. It allows you to record directly within your existing slides, including your webcam and screen capture. You can record a slideshow with narration and slide timings. Here is a YouTube tutorial on how to prerecord presentations on PowerPoint that you might find useful on how to do this.

While recording your presentation,

  • Include the first introductory slide with your first and last name, your affiliation, the country of affiliation, your picture, and the title of your presentation in your recording.
  • Say all this information verbally while you are exposing the first slide in your recording.
  • Check the good visibility of text, pictures, and other information on the slides of your recording.
  • Check the sound of your recording to ensure that it is audible for participants.

If you have any questions about the conference schedule or submission process, please contact us at the email: [email protected]