Program of the Second Conference on Love Studies

The conference events will be held virtually via online videoconferencing, including both asynchronous and synchronous formats; see details below.

We recommend you subscribe to the listserv of the Institute of Love Studies to receive further messages about this conference as well as other news about love studies around the world at

Registration for the conference is available at the Conference website at

Presenters must submit their 15-minute pre-recorded presentations by sending them to the conference organizers at the email: [email protected] before February 25. See the Instructions for presenters on how to prepare for the conference in a separate page.

Conference organizers will make these presentations available for other participants to watch in advance of the thematic panel sessions.

Watching Full Versions of Presentations in an Asynchronous Format

In asynchronous format, the full versions of participants’ pre-recorded talks were posted on the YouTube channel of the Love Studies Institute before the days of the Conference. The link to the YouTube channel of the Conference was sent to the registered participants via the Institute listserv several days before 14 March, the first day of the Conference.

The link to the playlist with pre-recorded presentations was sent to all registered participants several days before 14 March, the first day of the Conference, via the Institute’s listserv Mailchimp for the participants registered at, as instructed above.

Participants should watch these pre-recorded presentations on the YouTube channel of the Love Studies Institute in an asynchronous format. They can watch presentations on their own schedule, at their own pace, and in their own time zone. This asynchronous format of the conference events allows more flexibility for participants.

Participants will have an opportunity to ask their questions and make comments to presenters during thematic panel session. The chairs of specific thematic panel sessions will guide the questions and comments for discussion on 14-16 March of 2025, see below.

Participation in Thematic Panel Sessions in a Synchronous Format

Thematic panel sessions of the conference will take place in a synchronous format—via online live streaming in Zoom—on 14, 15, and 16 March, 2025, according to their schedule. The program of these panel sessions will be posted on this webpage several days before 14 March.

The Organizational Committee of the Conference has scheduled the thematic panel sessions in the time slots from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Time (EDT) (UTC -5), see the Program of panel sessions below. Each thematic panel session will take place in real time according to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Please estimate what the session’s time will be in your local time.

During these online thematic panel sessions, presenters will have the opportunity to deliver a 3-minute livestreaming summary of their 15-minute pre-recorded presentation. Questions and panel discussions will follow. The chair of the session will guide the panel session, moderating and facilitating an interactive discussion of the topic, which will include questions and answers as well as audience comments. The discussant will help the audience better understand the presentations by serving as a commentator on them and the questions concerning them.

This synchronous format of panel sessions allows for more time and opportunity for interaction, engagement, and discussion of each presentation and the overall thematic topic of a session.

The preliminary version of the Program of the thematic panel sessions, with specific details and a timetable, is available below to download as a PDF.

Updated Program of Thematic Panel Sessions March 11

Some tweaks in the program are still possible if they are really necessary. Please follow these small updates in the coming days.

In case participants miss watching some presentations before panel sessions or attend panel sessions, the recorded presentations and panel sessions will be available for them to watch on the Love Studies Institute’s YouTube channel after the Conference.

If you have any questions about the conference schedule or submission process, please contact us at the email: [email protected]